If you liked the TV show, you'll like the movie. Your amount of admiration for the Television Show is transversely related to that of the movie.
I liked it. I know alot of people on the internet have spoken against this movie, but the key demographic for this movie is not 20-something movie loving bloggers. This movie was intended for the wives/girlfriends/friends of everyone who speaks English who turned out in high heels, stylish dress, and slightly buzzed from cosmo's, that usually don't go to movies; which accounts for the box office over taking Indiana Jones. Watching patrons pass-by I could see without a doubt who was there to see Sex and the City It almost felt more like a night at the theatre than a night at the AMC.
The biggest impact Sex and the City had on me was making me realize that I like Sex and the City and exactly what I like in movies. I like movies centered around educated/smart people who are witty and have personal issues. Unfortunately, this includes most "chick flicks" such as Love Actually, anything english with Hugh Grant, The Family Stone, almost all movies in that same category, excluding those with Diane Keaton and (usually) Julia Roberts.
This movie also made me realize what I consider success. My idea of success has always been, though hidden from me, the ability to live in a descent/not decadent apartment in Manhattan in a flamboyantly bohemian lifestyle going to theatre and reading as much as I possibly want, and all the while being appreciated for my intellect and creativity.
yeah, it was a good movie.
1 comment:
Diane Keaton is in the Family Stone. just so you know...
i wish we lived that lifestyle in nyc. i would love everyday!
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